Urgent. Please sign and share.

Urgent. Please sign and share to save Whalers Way. Southern right whales, seals, rare birds & Aboriginal sacred sites are in danger at Whalers Way, SA. CONSERVATION GROUPS THROUGHOUT THE STATE ARE DEEPLY CONCERNED. Submissions close Feb 2nd. With enough public opposition, we have a real chance to stop this – the federal government is...

Save Whalers Way update. The news you won’t read in the ‘Times’.

Because of two fortuitous, impromptu encounters in Port Lincoln last week, there now exists some real hope that our Southern right whales and other endangered wildlife at Whalers Way Sanctuary (Eyre Peninsula, SA), may yet be spared the threats they currently face, should Southern Launch Space Company’s Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex (WWOLC) receive...

Today we hold our breath as yet another launch of an ‘experimental’ rocket will be attempted from Whalers Way. 

Post by EW Member Karen Lettice. Today we hold our breath as yet another launch of an ‘experimental’ rocket will be attempted from Whalers Way. Shame on you Southern Launch for putting our precious endangered wildlife at risk. Whalers Way is a significant conservation-zoned sanctuary, and by rule of commonsense, is no place for...

Our whales and wildlife at Whalers Way are under dire threat…

(Post by EW Member Karen Lettice.) https://cosmosmagazine.com/space/rocket-launch-safety/ Our whales and wildlife at Whalers Way are under dire threat… Rocket launching is a risky, explosive industry, but the launching of ‘experimental’ rockets is even more serious. Southern Launch is progressing plans to launch ‘experimental’ (ie formerly ‘untested’) rockets at Whalers Way. These are rockets built...

Thank you Tammy Franks Greens MLC for speaking up for the voiceless wildlife of Whalers Way at yesterday’s rally. 

(Post by EW Member Karen Lettice.) Thank you Tammy Franks Greens MLC for speaking up for the voiceless wildlife of Whalers Way at yesterday’s rally. Good luck with your parliamentary motion re Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex this afternoon! Tammy is calling the government to establish an inquiry into the decision-making process and impact...

Kingston Offshore Wind Farm

Commonwealth have deemed the Kingston Offshore Wind Farm proposal a 'controlled action' Since we brought this to everyone's attention in a post a few weeks ago, the Commonwealth have deemed the Kingston Offshore Wind Farm proposal a 'controlled action', which means a full Environmental Impact Statement will be required before any approval. There was...

Protect our Whale Nursery

Please sign the petition to protect our Encounter Bay Whale Nursery Once a year, majestic and endangered Southern Right Whales travel up from Antarctica to give birth in Encounter Bay. If we’re lucky, these mothers and their new born calves stay in our warmer waters for many weeks within viewing distance from shore, delighting thousands of on-lookers....

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