Noice and dumped rocket stages are not the only threats

(Post by EW Member Karen Lettice.)

Noise and dumped rocket stages are not the only threats to the SRWs aggregating in, and migrating through, the waters surrounding Whalers Way (southern-most tip of the Eyre Peninsula), the toxicity of fuel loads is also a concern. 

Sadly, in the absence of regulations governing fuel loads and rocket exhaust emissions, we don’t know what cocktail of nasties will end up in our atmosphere or ocean.

Taiwanese company TiSPACE (rebranded ATspace in SA), couldn’t get approval to launch its rockets in Taiwan, but was welcomed with open arms – by both Southern Launch and our government – to come and launch its unreliable, untested, polluting, environmentally hazardous rockets, straight into our Southern Right Whale nursery.

If you haven’t yet signed a petition to Save Whalers Way please take the opportunity to sign here…

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