Today marks the first ever ‘RIGHT WHALE DAY’. The situation for the North Atlantic Right Whale is dire. There are only 340 whales left on the face of the planet and for every calf born, 3 animals die.

Scientists are DESPERATELY CALLING FOR ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT to ensure adequate food and minimal trauma and other stressors for this and OTHER WHALE SPECIES WORLDWIDE as critical TO AVOID FURTHER MORTALITY and poor reproductive health.

The plight of the North Atlantic Right Whale has SERIOUS IMPLICATIONS FOR THE CONTINUED  RECOVERY AND ULTIMATE SURVIVAL OF OUR OWN ENDANGERED SOUTHERN RIGHT WHALE (SRW), already facing a slowing reproduction and thus recovery rate.

Of immediate concern are the very real and IMMINENT THREATS POSED to the western arm of the Australian SRW population BY inappropriately located INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS PLANNED FOR KINGSTON AND WHALERS WAY, both in SA.

Threats associated with pile-driving for an offshore wind farm planned for Kingston, and the launching of ‘experimental’ rockets from a space facility to be developed at Whalers Way, pose huge threats. BOTH DEVELOPMENTS, should they go ahead, WILL DISRUPT SIGNIFICANT HABITAT and potentially deter whales from using critical migratory routes and vital habitat connectivity pathways.

Campaigns to oppose both ill-placed  developments appear on the Campaign Page of the Encounter Whales website. Right now though, IT’S CRUNCH TIME FOR THE ‘SAVE WHALERS WAY’ CAMPAIGN.

PLEASE SIGN AND EMAIL THE FOLLOWING PETITION LINK to Minister Nick Champion. A couple of minutes of your time and the weight of YOUR SIGNATURE, COULD MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

# Nick Champion MP
# Tanya Plibersek
# Susan Close MP
# EP Cruises – Fowlers Bay Whale Tours
# Greenpeace Australia Pacific
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