Our whales and wildlife at Whalers Way are under dire threat…

(Post by EW Member Karen Lettice.)

Our whales and wildlife at Whalers Way are under dire threat…

Rocket launching is a risky, explosive industry, but the launching of ‘experimental’ rockets is even more serious.

Southern Launch is progressing plans to launch ‘experimental’ (ie formerly ‘untested’) rockets at Whalers Way. These are rockets built by startup companies, inexperienced in their manufacture.They pose a dire threat to our precious endangered/ threatened flora and fauna.

One serious launch failure by Southern Launch could blast burning debris and fuel over this area with catastrophic consequences. Entire populations of endemic wildlife could be wiped out, human lives could be lost too. The risk that bushfire poses to this area, the neighbouring national parks and community is beyond serious…it is insane.

Southern Launch and the former state and federal Liberal governments, were wrong to have progressed this development in this area. As Tammy Franks Greens MLC says, it was a “dumb” decision.

No government or corporate entity has the right to put the Eyre Peninsula environment, its wildlife and its people at such risk.

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For more information on this prosperous development that would put space in the ‘wrong’ place click here: https://encounterwhales.com.au/…/reckless…/

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