What a speech from Tammy Franks at the ‘Save Whalers Way’ rally …

(Post by EW Member Karen Lettice.)

What a speech from Tammy Franks at the ‘Save Whalers Way’
rally on parliament steps last Tuesday 15/11/22! 

“Beam me up Scotty, I want to get into Space “ is Tammy’s pithy depiction of former Minister Knoll phoning Scott Morrison to tell him SA had landed the opportunity to stake a claim in the burgeoning private space industry.

Tammy explains to the incredulous crowd how ‘ major project status’ allows a project to bypass planning laws, environmental laws, laws of the state, the traditional owners, even common decency, common morality and common sense.

That this has happened to pave the way for a hazardous explosive industry to be sited in a conservation zone is “shameful”, Tammy says…”A silly decision” by the former Liberal federal and state governments. As Tammy reinforces, we now have a new Labour state government and a new Labour federal government and we can reverse this “dumb”decision. Tammy advises that  ‘people power’ ie., sharing about this debacle on social media will have a big impact, but greater impact still can be achieved by getting in touch with the new planning minister, Nick Champion the new environment minister Susan Close and the new federal environment minister Tanya Plibersek, to make your objections known.

It wasn’t the stupid decisions of these 3 law-makers that put ‘Space in the wrong place’.
The new environmentally conscious Labour government can reverse this crazy, irresponsible trail of liberal government bungling.

Nick Champion MP, Susan Close MP, Tanya Plibersek #savewhalersway #putspaceintherightplace

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