Tammy Franks Greens MLC called for a select committee to be established to inquire

(Post by EW Member Karen Lettice.)

On the floor of parliament on Wednesday 16/11/22, Tammy Franks Greens MLC called for a select committee to be established to inquire into and report on the decision-making process and impact of approval of the Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex at the tip of Eyre Peninsula by Southern Launch. Hear her entire bombshell speech here.

Tammy rightly points out that Eyre Peninsula residents, conservation advocates, tourism operators and many more, are incredulous that approval could possibly have been granted for a hazardous rocket launching facility to be sited in environmentally and culturally significant, legally protected, sensitive conservation area. She asserts the “approval process has been nebulous and community questions remain unanswered, particularly when it comes to potential environmental impacts.” She says that within Southern Launch’s EIS, “there is a clear trail of failures within the planning and environmental processes that have seen the proposal get this far.” Adding, “The Greens … believe there have been failures in applying our planning laws, codes and procedures, along with compromise of proper process. ”

Tammy outlines a raft of disturbing issues with the proposed rocket launch site – the extreme threats the facility poses to the environment, the gaping holes and ludicrous disclaimers in Southern Launch’s inadequate EIS applying to this, and the shocking precedent it sets within the planning system.

Tammy believes that without the ‘Major Project Status’ granted to this development by former Minister Knoll in 2019, enabling it to bypass numerous local council restrictions, the development would likely not have been approved.

Hear, hear Tammy!

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