We are a conservation group promoting protection of whales in South Australia.

We are like-minded citizen scientists located around the coast of Encounter Bay on the Fleurieu Peninsula. A number of us are also registered Whale Spotters and volunteers with the South Australia Whale Centre, Victor Harbor.

Encounter Bay waters have been recognized for many years as a Southern Right Whale aggregation and breeding area. As whale supporters we advocate the need to establish and maintain a seasonal Whale Sanctuary Zone for the calving site and Nursery area that already exists within a portion of these waters.


We observe, study and photograph whales for our own enjoyment and for official whale identification reporting for scientific research purposes.

We actively encourage public involvement through education and participation.

We act as guardians by advocating the importance of a safe, clean and protected environment for whales that migrate to our South Australian waters.

We are actively involved in scientific research of the Southern Right Whale (SRW) and are major contributors, providing data and images, to the Encounter Bay Right Whale Study (EBRWS).


Encounter Bay Right Whale Study (EBRWS) is a citizen science program designed to address research priorities that inform conservation management and support protection of the local Southern Right Whales. Download the latest EBRWS brochure. We participate by: Updating and Maintaining the Encounter Bay SRW Photo-ID catalogue i.e. Investigating abundance, residency, distribution and movements of Southern Right Whales in the Encounter Bay area. Assessing the connectivity and movement of Southern Right Whales from Encounter Bay with other calving/aggregation areas across Southern Australia. Contributing data to National Southern Right Whale Assessments.

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